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Posts tagged ‘calculator’

Secrets of the Calculator, Part 2

Welcome to the second in my series of posts about the “secrets of the calculator.” In my first post on this topic I explained how the 1/x key can make it easier to input certain expressions. If you missed that one, just click here.

Today I’d like to talk about another key that is quite useful, the “EE” key.

What in the world is the EE key, and what does it do?

At first hearing, EE sounds a bit like the call of a monkey.


How to Use the Calculator’s 1/x Key?

In my tutoring I am continually surprised by how little most students know about their calculators.

It is true that most students know the basics:  the four operations, the exponent key, the square root key, the Pi key, and maybe some trig fundamentals, like sin, cos 60 and tan. But aside from these basic keys and keystrokes, many students have little to no idea what the other keys do.

The funny thing is that there are so many keys and keystrokes that students would just “love” if they only knew about them.

So to help students out a bit here, I’m starting an occasional series whose name is just below.
